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The Caledonian Mercury

SMEs are being targetted

There are all too many bogus messages on the Internet, warning of supposed threats to computer security. However, when one comes from National Crime Agency, it needs to be taken seriously.

National Crime Agency LogoIts National Cyber Crime Unit has issued a warning about “a mass email spamming event”. It says that people are receiving emails that appear to be from banks and other financial institutions. These are being sent out to tens of millions of UK customers – but appear to be targeting small and medium businesses in particular. This spamming event is assessed as a significant risk.

What makes this especially worrying is that the emails carry an attachment that appears to be correspondence linked to the email message (for example, a voicemail, fax, details of a suspicious transaction or invoices for payment). However, the file is in fact a malware that can install Cryptolocker – which is a piece of ‘ransomware’. It works by encrypting the user’s files on the infected machine and the local network it is attached to.

Once encrypted, the computer will display a splash screen with a count down timer and a demand for the payment of 2 Bitcoins in ransom (Approx £536 as at 15/11/2013) for the decryption key.

Lee Miles, Deputy Head of the NCCU said that the organisation was “actively pursuing organised crime groups committing this type of crime. We are working in cooperation with industry and international partners to identify and bring to justice those responsible and reduce the risk to the public.”

An NCCU investigation is ongoing to identify the source of the email addresses used. Anyone who is infected should report it via Action Fraud. Sound advice can also be found at GetSafeOnline

Advice: This is a case where prevention is better than cure

Do not click on any such attachment.
Antivirus software should be updated, as should operating systems.
User created files should be backed up routinely and preserved off the network.
Where a computer becomes infected it should be disconnected from the network, and professional assistance should be sought to clean the computer.
Various antivirus companies offer remedial software solutions (though they will not restore encrypted files).

The Caledonian Mercury

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