Each time I head south of the Border to visit my English relatives I am struck anew by the negative perceptions they have of us. Andy Murray is “dour”, Duncan Bannatyne is “curmudgeonly” and Gordon Brown is “dour and curmudgeonly”. (Admittedly they may not be the best examples to choose... )
With some of the relatives there is also an assumption that alongside our lack of humour we are also all drunks. Thus, whenever anyone approaches who has had one too many, then clearly they must be Scottish, drinking presumably to distract momentarily from the awfulness of being a Scot.
So for our English “cousins” who have the misfortune to share a Border, and so much more, with us, I offer proof that under the rough tweed exterior we Scots are squishy marshmallows of love and soppiness. Oh, and “by-the-way” we only put on our chippy, miserableness when we have to visit “doon Sooth”.
Gretna Green
Now I realise that getting married in a blacksmith’s shop isn’t everyone’s ideas of romance. I can’t imagine that, come the day, Katie Price will be re-marrying here. Yet this location is none-the-less a veritable fountain of love. The venue became popular after the 1753 Marriage Act in England which stated that both parties had to be 21 years old before they could marry without parental consent. As the act didn’t hold in Scotland, it wasn’t long before young lovers were speeding across the Border where the smithie could wed them over the anvil (as t’were).
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It is now one of the world’s most popular wedding destinations with over 5,000 couples marrying there each year. And, just, say, you were a little on the miserly side (not that I’m suggesting that we Scots are) then you and your partner can be married for as little as £184. Bargain romance, Scottish style. Scottish castles If it’s a romantic location you want, then Scotland offers up possibly the most heart-stopping locations anywhere in the world. A trip up north would include a sweep past the 13th century Eilean Donan castle, said by some to be the most romantic castle in the world. There are enough to suit everyone’s taste. There’s the delectable pink Craigievar Castle, the darkly brooding Cawdor Castle or perhaps Urquhart Castle, which offers the potential for a romantic destination plus the glimpse of a monster. What more could one want? Luckenbooth Brooches Back in the midst of medieval time, if you wanted to demonstrate your love, then you did so by presenting the recipient of your affection with a Luckenbooth brooch. This silver brooch consisted of entwined hearts, or hearts with a crown on top. The name derived from the Luckenbooth or Locking Booths – small shops that were a regular feature on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile. The brooch was handy as it not only demonstrated affection, but was held to protect against evil, the pain of childbirth and helped stimulate milk production in feeding mothers. Now, you don’t get that kind of extras with a ring from H Samuel. Chocolates I think we can all agree that Valentine’s Day without chocolates is like a pair of trousers without legs. As Scots are known somewhat for taking the credit for inventing everything (telephone, bicycle etc) it is tempting to suggest that it was actually us who sailed the seas, found South America and discovered the cocoa bean, but we didn’t. Which is why we’re not going to celebrate chocolate here, but offer instead some Scottish fancies that put the sweet in sweets. So ditch your 70% cocoa content slab of sophistication and opt instead for; tablet, fudge, Lees macaroons, Jenny’s boilings or soor plooms. I know which one my English cousins will be plumping for…..We need your support. Please donate to The Caledonian Mercury
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