Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh nach robh mi ach còig bliadhna a dh‘ aois nuair a bha mi mar-thà seachd searbh sgìth de dhaoine a bhith ag ràdh rium gun robh Albannaich – is Gàidheil gu dearbh – anns an airm "Sassanach" aig Cùl Lodair. Bha luchd-teagaisg is eile ag innse seo dhuinn mar gum b’e gnothaich ùr a bh’ ann a bh’ air a bhith falaichte son bliadhnaichean.
English summary
Murdo MacLeod says calls for an apology from the UK state for the atrocities by government forces in the wake of Culloden are understandable. But such an apology would be pointless. Much better to honour the Fallen by defending and promoting their language and culture.
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